Alarmingly, 44% of new hires are rated as ‘not good’ by employers. We know that hiring people with the right motivation, attitude, behaviours and cultural fit is a key part of delivering long-term high performers for your business. Platinum Careers specialised methodology, Platinum Difference™, is a unique proprietary recruitment model embedding our specialised talent management expertise into a rigorous recruitment process.

Platinum Difference™ helps your organisation to:

  • identify people who will become motivated and engaged employees
  • pinpoint the right people who will deliver to your strategy
  • assist you to consistently make truly good hires for your business
  • identify people who will stay longer and are high performers.

Distinct from standard recruiting processes Platinum Difference™ identifies core performance drivers beyond purely technical skills required to ‘do the work’. It can deliver the crucial difference between ‘filling a vacancy’ and truly evaluating candidates to pinpoint high performers for long-term benefit to your organisation.

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